The #1 Sales Demo Training Online Course: 'Win the Demo'
"How to Run SaaS Demos That SELL Like CRAZY Using the Exact 'System' That Closed $100,000,000 Worth of SaaS!"
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️
Learn the exact demo 'system' (and 50+ techniques) we used to close over $100,000,000 in the #1 SaaS sales demo training online course in the world.
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️Save 60% OFF Today
This Amazing Income-Generating Offer Expires In
10,000 sellers winning with our sales demo training course.
Here's what they're saying about Win the Demo

Luciano Scala

Tom Alaimo

EJ Eitel
"Packed with techniques, reusable frameworks, examples"

Lorraine Pettit

Alex Dunnam
⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️
Here's what's inside:
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️
A 6-step 'system' for SaaS demos that SELL
● How to go from 'feature tour' to PAIN relief (and SELL way more)
● 6 'power house' steps to design your demo to SELL
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️

'Click by click' formulas for SaaS demos that SELL
● Walk into every demo call with rock solid confidence
● Know exactly what to say, do, and show in (almost) every demo situation
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A ‘war chest’ of demo tactics that get buyers ENGAGED
● Put an end to demos that feel like you're talking to a WALL
● 50+ tools, techniques, and questions that get buyers engaged and wanting more
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️

How to run ‘group demos’ that SELL
● How to CRUSH it even with different needs in the same room.
● Get buyers sending DM messages to each other: "WE NEED THIS!"
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How to use your demo as a ‘competitive weapon’
● How to get buyers to value things only YOU offer
● How to insert competitive differentiators… and WIN
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️

A 7-step 'messaging framework' to make every feature SELL.
● Exactly how to talk about every feature... and resonate.
● A simple, easy-to-remember 'system' you can repeat on EVERY demo (and WIN)
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️
How to WIN demos with powerful execs
● Exactly what to do to 'maximize' your opportunity when powerful execs join your demo.
● Three deal-killing mistakes SaaS sellers make when demoing senior executives.
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️
Tired of buyers tuning out and losing interest?
"OVER 50 battle-tested SaaS demo techniques, tactics, and strategies proven to SELL.
Execution of these advanced techniques
can lead to very large annual incomes"

My personal annual income / W2 (2021) as a sales leader at Gong. Results not typical!
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️
Here's The Full Curriculum
For Win the Demo
Part 1: Introduction
- Welcome
- The ‘turning point’ of your deal
- My story
Part 2: First Principles of SaaS Demos That Sell
- Catalyze a decision
- Flip your demo on its head
- Solve exactly (no more, no less)
- A powerful language tip to 2x close rates
Part 3: The 6-Step 'Macro' Structure of SaaS Demos That Sell
- 'Pre-call plan' your demos for max impact
- Align on the decision to catalyze
- Three methods to 'frame the problem'
- How to establish the 'big picture'
- Take them on a journey, click for click
- How to use momentum to accelerate
Part 4: The 7-Step 'Micro' Structure of SaaS Demos That Sell
- 'Frame the pain' before the feature
- Set yourself up to WIN
- How to create a 'mental picture'
- How to make sure your buyer isn't 'lost'
- Reveal the journey to pain relief
- Establish value like never before
- How to tell a story they remember
- Get them TALKING before you move on
Part 5: How to 'Restructure' Your Demo (Quickly) for Different Scenarios
- The executive demo: You've got ONE shot
- Group demos: Handle multiple needs at once
- When you don't get the luxury of discovery
- How to use your demo as a 'competitive killshot'

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this course for (and not for)?
Am I just going to learn ‘cookie cutter’ sales techniques?
Okay, then what WILL I learn in this course?
How long will it take to see results?
Will these techniques work for my market, industry, or product?
Why you? What credibility do you have?
Why is this better than other sales training options or courses?
Ok. Is it recorded or live?
How long is the course?
Are there live examples or role plays?
I’m a customer. How is this different than your other courses?
Okay. Count me in. What do I do next?
One more thing!
⌛ Expiring soon ⌛
🎁 BONUS #1 🎁
TWO lessons from SaaS Discovery Masterclass, FREE
● You'll get TWO lessons from our most popular course: SaaS Discovery Masterclass ($100 value)
● Learn to build PAIN that MONEY follows and 'create urgency from thin air'
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️

🎁 BONUS #2 🎁
The Objections to Commissions Mini Course
● Our never before released expert course on Objection Handling. For Rig the Game customers only.
● You'll learn a 7-step "system" to overcome ANY SaaS sales objection (ESPECIALLY pricing objections)
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️
🎁 BONUS #3 🎁
One Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Certificate, FREE
● One redeemable certificate to join our bi-weekly group coaching series ($1,250 value)
● We have SEVEN slots available for each bi-weekly session and they will fill up FAST, so act now
➡️ Crush Your Demos HERE ⬅️
Stop losing deals with weak demos.
Start Crushing Your SaaS Demos Today
⌛ Plus unlock THREE BONUSES (expiring soon)⌛
The "You Crushed That Demo!" Guarantee
"If a colleague or customer doesn't actively tell you how much you CRUSHED a demo because of the techniques you learn in this course, you get your money back... and you can keep access to the course. How's that for a no-brainer?
Friend, you can only make guarantees like that when you know what you deliver helps people get results. So this is me putting my money where my mouth is. In case you think I'm full of s***, here's my email: chris [at] quotasignal [dot] com"
Chris Orlob, CEO