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 🎁 Get Rig the GameWin At Your Price, and The Closing Motion courses for ONLY $397 

"Master the SaaS Sales Strategies In These THREE Courses, And You're Guaranteed to Close More Q4 Deals, Faster... And SELL In a Downturn"


"In these three courses, you'll learn more than 50 SaaS selling strategies I used to grow Gong to a $7.2 billion valuation (and earn over $1.6M a YEAR).

🔐 Close More Q4 SaaS Deals 🔐

5,800+ SaaS sales learners last year from companies like:

Here's what 5,800+ SaaS sellers are raving about:

Nick Hugh

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Doubled my competitive win rates. Huge impact on my ability to close deals in just a few weeks. Last night I ended a streak of five deals in a row that closed using techniques from these courses. For context, I was landing 1 in 10 before that."

Luciano Scala

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"I feel like I can RUN CIRCLES around my competitors now. Seriously. I had no idea there were so many strategies to win competitive SaaS deals. It's almost unfair. PLUS, I can win at the prices I want."

Lorraine Pettit

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

""There's nothing like learning from someone who has seen it all AND bottled up those learnings for the rest of us. Chris's almost surgical approach to sales will leave you bulletproof. This is the fastest way to get your close rate moving!"

Lauren Frilling

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Chris is great at taking complex topics and boiling them down into understandable and actionable strategies. I've always enjoyed how Chris leads with personal anecdotes and metaphors that helped me better relate to any topics that were covered. Chris is thoughtful in his approach to SaaS sales trainings and it is evident by the incredible performance results of anyone who has ever had the privilege of selling under his leadership!” 

Stephanie Alberti

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"I learned more from these training sessions than I did in the last five years of my sales career. They’re full of actionable info, guaranteed to make anyone a better SaaS seller. Chris completely transformed my approach to selling SaaS, especially in a competitive environment.”

Harrison WaidFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Already crushed the courses. Great stuff and very actionable. The delineation between open and targeted questions is simple and powerful. I am always looking for little nuggets of information I can use personally or that will scale across our sales team. Thoroughly enjoyed the courses.”

Mark BaskinFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Epic courses. Too many sales courses are too high level, way too complex and take days to complete without walking away with any concrete tactics you can use right away. Chris's courses are completely tactical and don't just explain the concepts in a super easy-to-understand manner but actually walks you through how to execute them. Highly recommend."

EJ EitelFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

""Extremely practical, actionable, down to the exact steps and questions to ask to win your unfair share of competitive deals. I like the way Chris goes straight to techniques you can use immediately without a bunch of fluff. He knows SaaS sales REALLY well and shares everything he knows."

Tom AlaimoFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"I got tired of my competitors offering 50% of my price and undercutting me at the end of sales cycles and knew I needed help. This course absolutely blew me away. There were at least 15 new strategies I learned that I can bring into my sales role. Being in a super competitive market, I feel like this course is going to bring my sales career to the next level."

Doreen Justice

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Nothing more powerful than leading a meeting where you feel 100% in control because you have the Secret Formula Sales Potion of Sales Master Chris Orlob. No matter what a customer throws my way, I know how to navigate my way back to the repeatable process I learned from Chris."

Jason KennedyFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Chris - I've been really enjoying your SaaS classes. I have a SaaS company and we had been struggling with our sales processes. We've begun applying your concepts and are really starting to see results!"

Lauren WesleyFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

""Watching Chris' courses is watching someone do what he was meant to do. His courses are impactful, entertaining, and they get results. Once I implemented what he taught my deals got bigger and closed faster. I’ve been in sales for 15 years and have done a lot of sales training. Chris' course is one of the best. Results came quickly when I implemented what I learned

Jessica Hartsell

Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Chris’s training is informative, prescriptive, and digestible. They had an immediate impact on my conversations and deals and gave me confidence that I understood the true root cause of my customer’s challenges."

Cheston NewhallFive star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"Chris' sales courses are in the top 1% of available content. It's engaging, concise, and actionable. In addition, you know with Chris' track record and radical curiosity that he's field-tested and researched his course's material. I wish I had this material available to me when I was starting my sales career. Now, I'll be recommending it to quota-carrying new hires and colleagues."

Neil Gandhi
Five star rating icon - vector. Stock Vector Image by ©chekman1 #322843816

"My businesses only became profitable because of the courses you've taught.  Everything from your youtube videos to the Masterclasses has turned me from a shy software engineer to a sales professional that can close deals. Thank you so much. And I'm excited to hear more about this new co you're building!."

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️

 ADVANCED Strategies for Soon-to-Be ADVANCED SaaS Sellers!

VALUE $1197

🔐 GET IT ALL For Only $397 🔐
THREE "Deal-Closing" Courses For the Price of ONE

Here's Everything You Get

(SAVE 75% OFF Until the Offer Expires)

Course #1: Rig the Game 

Advanced Strategies To Win Your "Unfair Share" of Competitive Deals... So You Can Close More Without Headaches.

(Value: $997)

● STEAL 20 competitive deal strategies that built Gong to $7.2 billion valuation (while our closest competitor sold for $500M)

● 4 modules, 20 lessons, and 4 hours of advanced SaaS sales training material to teach you how to drive your SaaS competitors CRAZY (and get PAID).

● Over 5,800 5-star reviews from SaaS students crushing their competitors and growing their income.

🔐 Crush Your Competitors and Close More Deals 🔐

Course #2: The Closing Motion Course

How Top Income-Earning SaaS Sellers Accelerate the Closing Motion and "Never" Let Deals Slip.

(Value: $297)


● Proven three-step method to drive timeline and accelerate your closing motion (so you can close your Q4 deals with a BREEZE).

● Exact words, scripts, and tactics (I used to close deals and grow my income from $150k to 1.63M... ready for you to swipe and steal.

4 modules, 11 lessons, one cheat sheet, and 1 hour 18 minutes of closing motion coursework guaranteed to close your Q4 deals on time and without hiccups. 

● Over 3,200 5-star reviews from SaaS students using the method, scripts, and frameworks to accelerate their closing motion (and get paid FASTER and SOONER).


🔐 Close Deals Faster and Get PAID Sooner 🔐

Course #3: Win At Your Price

How Top Income SaaS Negotiators Win Deals Without Getting "Ground Down On Price"

(Value: $297)


Ditch the discounts and create "win/win" negotiations (even when your buyer wants to "grind you down on price")

● Proven words, scripts, and tactics (you can use in Q4 to negotiate and win at your price (so you can close bigger deals).

● 5 modules, 20 lessons, one role play demonstration, and 1.5 hours 18 minutes of SaaS negotiation training material so you can close more deals without friction.

🔐 Close More Deals. Win At YOUR Price. 🔐

OVER 50 battle-tested SaaS sales strategies to CRUSH your Q4, Close More Deals, and Grow Your SaaS Income at Breakneck Speed.

Your Total Value


Here's Everything You Get

  • Online Course: Rig the Game (VALUE: $997)
  • Online Course: Win At Your Price (VALUE: $297)
  • Online Course: The Closing Motion (VALUE: $297)
  • BONUS: Q4 deal review mastermind group coaching session (VALUE: $1,250)
  • BONUS: 60 minute interview recording with three billion-dollar CFOs (VALUE: $297)
⭐ Get Lifetime Access NOW For Just $397 ⭐

Say goodbye to missing your number. Say HELLO to closing more deals.

⭐ Grow Your Income and Close More SaaS Deals ⭐

VALUE $1197

⭐ Grow Your Income and Close More SaaS Deals ⭐

OVER 50 battle-tested SaaS sales strategies to CRUSH your Q4 and Close More Deals

The SaaS sales strategies and techniques I used to grow my income from $150k to $1.63M in a few years.

⭐ Grow Your Income and Close More SaaS Deals ⭐

Here's The Full Curriculum of All THREE Courses



Rig the Game:

"How to Win Your Unfair Share of Competitive SaaS Deals With The Strategies That Built a $7.2B Unicorn"


 Part 1: Competitive Strategies That Built a $7.2B SaaS Unicorn

  • Product differentiation is DEAD (here's why)
  • The best SaaS reps with with HOW they sell, not WHAT they sell

Part 2: How to RIG the "Buying Criteria" to WIN

  • How (and why) to rig the "root cause" of a problem to favor YOU.
  • Drive your competitors' crazy with 'rigging the requirements'
  • How to "teach" your buyer to favor YOU with the "Nexus" technique
  • A simple tactic to make your buyers CRAVE your unique capabilities
  • Bring a flamethrower to a stick fight with "super proof"
  • The most feared competitive strategy: The Bull Charge
  • Sales judo (how "use" their strengths against them)
  • Exactly how to redefine the "scope" of the deal to WIN 
  • A word for word landmine that works every time.

Part 3: How to RIG the "Buying Process" to WIN

  • How to get your buyer you DITCH your competitors
  • How (and why) to add or remove "steps" to win
  • When (and how) to accelerate the deal (and win)
  • Why (and how) to DELAY the deal if you're losing (so you can turn it around)
  • How to get your buyer to CHANGE an unfair process
  • The nuclear option: Live to fight another day

Part 4: How to RIG the "Buying Committee" to Win

  • How to build a "political dynamic" that favors you
  • How to "use" your champion to kill your competition
  • How to sell around those that favor your competition 
  • How to get "Power" to sign in your favor

Part 5: Putting it all together

  • 20+ competitive deal strategies that built a $7.2B SaaS unicorn


Win At Your Price

"How the World's Best SaaS Sellers Negotiate (And Win) Without Heavy Discounts."


 Part 1: Introduction

  • How (and why) to win at your price
  • Intro to Rachel Shi: Power Negotiator
  • Exactly how you'll win at your price

Part 2: The Bulletproof Mentality

  • How (and why) to create a "no discount" mindset.
  • Exactly how to "raise your status" (so you can get PAID)
  • Keep these in your back pocket
  • How to expand the pie (rather than fight over it)
  • How to identify the most common negotiating styles
  • What you'll learn from "being a buyer"

Part 3: How the BEST Negotiators Prepare for Negotiations

  • The overview of preparation
  • Your "do or die" negotiation checklist
  • "Give and gets" that seal the deal
  • What separates the good from great: emotional mastery

Part 4: Tactics and Strategies to Win At Your Price

  • Why most sellers negotiate too early (and what to do instead)
  • A three-step method to overcome price resistance.
  • How to "box out" your competitors in a negotiation.
  • How to use the "give and gets" that seal the deal
  • Live role play and example of a winning negotiation.

Part 5: Putting it all together

  • Putting it all together so you can close more deals at YOUR price.


The Closing Motion Course

"How Great SaaS Sellers Accelerate the Closing Motion and Get Deals Done On Time"


Part 1: Introduction

  • Welcome and my journey
  • Introduction and the origin story
  • Your customer is ready to buy? Not so fast... 

Part 2: How to Uncover the "Hidden" Path to Close

  • Neutralize your biggest risk first (competition)
  • Uncover the "hidden" series of next steps
  • Exactly how to get the "full picture" to prevent surprises
  • Great salespeople SEEK RISK (here's exactly how)

Part 3: How to INFLUENCE the Path to Close (and Close FASTER)

  • Two word-for-word "closing motion questions"
  • A crash-course on how (and when) to ask closing motion questions
  • Offer a strong prescription, loosely held
  • Four quick tips to close deals faster and ON-TIME.

Part 4: How to Avoid Getting Blindsided and Surprised 

  • A word for word question to ask at the start of every call
  • How to monitor (and get ahead) of shifting circumstances
  • A quick summary and "closing motion cheat sheet"
⭐ Grow Your Income and Close More SaaS Deals ⭐

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)


That's right... 300% money back. That means if you don't feel like you got AT LEAST a 3x ROI... you get your money back.

I’ll take all the risk. Your risk is ZERO. You get an entire 30 days to experience this life-altering program. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, just let us know. We’ll give you all your money back, no hassle.

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Your Total Value



  • Online Course: Rig the Game (VALUE: $997)
  • Online Course: Win At Your Price (VALUE: $297)
  • Online Course: The Closing Motion (VALUE: $297)
  • BONUS: Q4 deal review mastermind group coaching session (VALUE: $1,250)
  • BONUS: 60 minute interview recording with three billion-dollar CFOs (VALUE: $297)
⭐ Get Lifetime Access NOW For Just $397 ⭐