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"Yes Chris! I Want to Close More SaaS Deals Faster and Easier With the Closing Motion Masterclass!

I Understand This Is My Last Chance to Claim The Closing Motion Masterclass and That Soon, It's Going Back Into the "Vault" And Will Be UNAVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.











Join 7,000 SaaS Sales Success Stories From Companies Like:

By signing up today, you secure LIFETIME access to The Closing Motion Masterclass (also known as "The Final Stretch"). You'll learn over 37 "closing motion" techniques so you can close more SaaS deals faster and easier (and with less hassle and drama) than you ever thought possible. 

Plus... You get our Advanced Negotiations With Procurement course as a FREE bonus ($497 retail value).


Here's What's Inside Closing Motion Masterclass

This online course is the world’s MOST POPULAR “closing” course for SaaS sellers. Soon, it will be NO LONGER available for purchase.


"Made 152% of my number"

"Helped me make 152% of my number in the worst economic climate I've ever sold in."

Jasi Johnson, LinkedIn


1. CRUSH Your Competitors and GET PAID

We’ve all been there: the deal is on the line, your competitors are offering a HUGE discount, and your buyer is GRINDING YOU DOWN ON PRICE. You’ll learn the exact MISTAKES to avoid (and how to “box out” your competition”) so you can close deals without stress, hassle, or drama.



"Closed $150k since joining"
"I have closed $150k since joining. So many ways to create urgency; these deals would have slipped without these techniques."

Harry Beales, Upguard


2. Uncover “GOLDEN” Steps In the Buying Process
(and Close FASTER).

Most tech salespeople make SIX mistakes that make their deals SLIP, go dark, and endless drift from month to month. You’ll learn exactly what to say, ask, and do to close your deals WITHOUT SURPRISES.



"Made 182% of my number"
"After having one of my first bad quarters in my sales career, I went back to the drawing board and found this. Ended up finishing the year at 182% of quota and finished first in ARR for the year."

Sean O'Brien, Mosaich


3. What To Do to STOP Deals From Slipping
(and get paid SOONER).

Learn (and utterly master) a powerful three-step “system” that acts as a “slip monitor.” You’ll know exactly what to do to close each deal on time, on-forecast, so you can get your commission check faster.



"Big increase in closed-won deals"
"I had been getting more SLIPPED deals and pushback than ever. With this course, I found actionable strategies that increase urgency and ultimately close way more deals."

Kaylee Chappelow, Greenhouse


4. Six “Closing Questions” That Close SaaS Deals
(And When to Use Each One)

There are two types of deals: Those that are tracking well, and those that aren’t. You’ll learn word for word questions to ask each type of those deals (and how to respond based on the buyers answer to INFLUENCE your odds of closing).



"Your commission checks will thank you"
"Best SaaS sales course and training I've come across in 20 years of selling. Game changing. Highly recommend. Your commission checks will thank you."

Dan Woodhead, Radancy


5. What Separates HIGH INCOME SaaS Closers
From “Meh” Earners.

The attributes that separate HIGH PAID SaaS closers become CLEAR AS DAY at the end of the deal cycle. You’ll learn the NUMBER ONE attribute for becoming a TOP PAID SaaS closers (and how to make this habit YOUR OWN).



"Already increased close rates"
"Trained my team and already seeing increase in conversion and quality of deals. Several reps said this was the best, most actionable training they've ever done."

Alex Moffitt, Autodesk


6. DOZENS of "Quick Tips" To Keep Deals MOVING
(And Close Faster and Easier)

Everything from advanced "champion strategies" to quick tips (like the secret "backdoor" technique), you'll have no shortage of tips, tactics, and technique to close more deals with less hassle, stress, and drama.



"Just had my best quarter ever"
"This has been transformational for me. Tracking toward my year ever and on track to close more ARR in a year than ever in our company's history."

Marshall Weill, Freewill


Plus, dozens more closing tactics to close more SaaS deals and turbocharge your sales success.

You'll get instant access to this powerful (yet easy to watch) online course to help you sell through changing market conditions and vastly exceed your OTE in 2024.

Total Retail Value: $3,000

Normal Price: UNAVAILABLE AFTER MARCH 17, 2024

Price today: $297 one-time payment for lifetime access to both courses and all bonuses.

"Been HUGE in closing bigger deals faster"
"Just massive props on what you've done here. Trained my team, and we're following a system to close bigger deals, faster."

Griffin Casey, Drift


Here's the Full Curriculum of Closing Motion Masterclass


Module 1: Introduction

  • Introduction
  • Only 53% of "commit" deals close on time. Here's why.

Module 2: Uncover the Hidden Path to Close

  • Eliminating the risk of competition 
  • Uncovering the hidden "series" of next steps
  • Getting a 360-degree view of your deal
  • What separates great salespeople from the rest at quarter-end

Module 3: Influencing the Path to Close

  • Two "magic" closing motion questions (when to use each)
  • Strong prescription, loosely held
  • Four "power tips" to close deals on time

Module 4: How to prevent deals from slipping

  • Don't let sand shift under your feet
  • How to adjust to changing circumstances
  • Summary and cheat sheet





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Claim Closing Motion Masterclass Before It Becomes Unavailable For Purchase




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Plus, When You Sign Up You Get Our Advanced Negotiation With Procurement Course FREE

1. How to "Turn the Tables" on TOUGH Procurement Buyers


BAD NEWS: Procurement and finance buyers are on the hook to GET COST SAVINGS. In this course, you'll learn how to turn the tables and win deals stress-free, drama-free, and hassle-free.



2. Understanding Power Dynamics In Negotiations


Salespeople don't understand the SIX levers of power they hold in any negotiation (most sellers only use one). In this module, you'll learn how to get the upper hand with simple tactics you're not using today.



3. The Four "Types" of SaaS Negotiations (and How to WIN Each)


Bargaining, integrative, distributive, and trading. These are the four types of negotiations every seller runs into. But each one demands a DIFFERENT set of strategy and tactics. You'll learn exactly what to do in each one to close more SaaS deals faster and easier.



4. How to Get the Best Price Possible 


Most salespeople capitulate on price with procurement (ESPECIALLY when they threaten cheaper proposals from your competition!). You'll learn exact strategies and tactics to win at the price you want without giving away the farm.



5. A LIST of 36 Negotiation "Power Tactics"


You'll get instant access to a full MENU of negotiation tactics you can use to close more SaaS deals (plus, how and when to use each one for maximum effect). 



And dozens more advanced negotiation tactics to close more SaaS deals faster and easier

You'll get instant access to this powerful (yet easy to watch) online course to help you sell through changing market conditions and vastly exceed your OTE in 2024.

Total Retail Value: $3,000

Normal Price: UNAVAILABLE AFTER MARCH 17, 2024

Price today: $297 one-time payment for lifetime access to both courses and all bonuses.

Here's the Full Curriculum of Advanced Negotiations With Procurement


Module 1: Introduction

  • Procurement's Job is Cost Savings. Plain and Simple
  • Meet the Man Who Trains Procurement Negotiators 
  • Quickstart Formula for Fast Negotiation Success 

Module 2: Eight Advanced Strategies for Negotiating With Procurement

  • Understanding Power Dynamics (and How to Get the Upper Hand)
  • The Four Types of Negotiations (And How to Tailor Your Tactics)
  • How and Why to Separate "Selling" From "Negotiating"
  • The "Human Element" (and How to Use It)
  • How to Get the Best Price Possible (Even When They're Grinding You Down)
  • The Dark Art of "Trading" Gives and Gets
  • 36 Negotiating Tactics (How and When to Use Each)
  • The Silent Killer of Successful Negotiating: Assumptions

Module 3: Summary and Next Steps 

  • BONUS STRATEGY: Lead with a Perspective
  • Eight Strategies to Walk Away With 
  • Mapping Your ZOPA
  • The Power Shifting Framework 
  • Summary and Conclusion 




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"Yes Chris! I Want to Close More SaaS Deals Faster and Easier With the Closing Motion Masterclass!

I Understand This Is My Last Chance to Claim The Closing Motion Masterclass and That Soon, It's Going Back Into the "Vault" And Will Be UNAVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.











Plus, When You Sign Up You Get These Two FREE Exclusive Bonuses

"Advanced closing tactics you can use right away"
"Epic course. Too many sales courses are high level and not actionable. This one tells you exactly what to do and say (and why)."

Mark Baskin, Hubspot

FREE Invitation to The Online Community!

VALUE: $1,000


Join a thriving community of success-minded SaaS sales professionals. Build professional relationships that last a lifetime, network your way to success, and gain the insight and help from high-performing peers. Normally for annual subscribers only, you'll have a chance to join if you sign up NOW for one year.



"Best SaaS sales course I've ever taken"
"The most deeply satisfying, tactical course I've ever taken. I highly recommend completing the exercises as you go."

Amanda, DaSilva, Supermove

FREE Unlimited Access to Monthly Coaching Calls

VALUE: $1,250


Join monthly coaching calls to level up your game with 5-10 success-minded peers. These calls have a 10-person limit and are first-come, first-serve.





"Doubled my close rates within a few weeks"
"Huge impact on my ability to close in just a few weeks. I'm now closing 1 in 5 deals instead of 1 in 10 like I once was"

Nick Hughes, Sportsblock

The 10X Money Back Guarantee

Sign up and complete the entire course, including all of the exercises. If you're not convinced you've gotten 10x the value of your investment ($3,000+ in commission-creating instruction, tactics, and strategies), you'll be refunded by our support team with no pressure or questions asked ([email protected]). 

In other words, you have nothing to lose and big-income upside to gain by taking advantage of this income-boosting offer.

This Course Offer Expires Forever Soon




This course will be completely unavailable for purchase in... 









Frequently Asked Questions:

"Yes Chris! I Want to Close More SaaS Deals Faster and Easier With the Closing Motion Masterclass!

I Understand This Is My Last Chance to Claim The Closing Motion Masterclass and That Soon, It's Going Back Into the "Vault" And Will Be UNAVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE.