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Welcome to the Conquer the Cold Call 'Pre-Launch' Series

In this (free) videos series, you'll learn PROVEN tips, tactics, strategies and insights to conquer your cold calls... from someone who's made over 60,000 cold calls and earned $300,000 in annual income by age 26: Trent Dressel


Part #3: Exact Cold Call 'Super Scripts'
That Generated $300k Annual Income

Part 1

Win the Day, Win the Cold Call

Part 2

4 'Moneyball' Cold Call Metrics

Part 3

Exact Cold Call "Super Scripts"

Part 4

Conquer the Cold Call OPENS Apr 19

I’m going on a limb here to say something you might not believe…

If you knew exactly what to say on every cold call… you’d double your pipeline generation.

You can only say so many words on a 5 min cold call.

If you ‘crack the combination lock’ and say the right words… floodgates open.

Check out Part 3 of Trent Dressel’s Conquer the Cold Call training.

He’ll show you his 4-part cold call ‘super scripts’ that helped him make $300,000 per year.

Check out the END of that (7 min) video.

Spoiler: Trent makes a BIG announcement.

He’s releasing his Conquer the Cold Call online course on Wednesday, April 19 at 8am (pacific), and it will be 35% OFF for a few days.


He’s offering private 1:1 cold call coaching for the first FIVE people who sign up.

In the course, he reveals:

- Exact frameworks, words, and scripts to conquer your cold calls

- LIVE examples (and mock role plays) of successful cold calls

- How to double the number of qualified meetings you book

I’m going to send an ‘open for registration’ email Wednesday at 8am.

Be ready!  

Watch Part 3: Exact Cold Call 'Superscripts' To Make $300k